SMART Pilot Study
Project Dates: April 1, 2015- March 31, 2016
Christiaan Abildso, Interim Cor-Director of the HRC, was awarded a West Virginia CTSI pilot grant to conduct a pilot study with co-investigator Dr. Natasha Harrison, Assistant Professor in WVU's Department of Family Medicine. The objective of the SMART (Smartphone Mediated Activity Response Trial) Pilot Study is to gather exploratory evidence of the efficacy and feasibility of novel, theory-based smartphone-assisted and smartphone-only medical team-based interventions. These interventions aim to reduce sedentary time in overweight or obese adults with one or more additional cardiovascular disease risk factor.
Specific Aims for this project are to:
- Compare the efficacy in reducing sedentary behavior of a theory-based, smartphone-assisted telephone counseling intervention with an automated smartphone-only intervention among overweight or obese adults with one or more additional CVD risk factors (hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, or tobacco use) and
- Assess the feasibility of using a smartphone application to deliver an intervention to reduce sedentary behavior in a primary care setting.