OLLI Community Events
Community events, hosted by OLLI at WVU, are free and open to the public. OLLI membership is not required although reservations are.
20th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. as Remembered by Storytellers in the graphic novel, West Virginians' Experiences in Civil Rights
Monday, Jan. 20, 2:00-3:30 PM on Zoom
Hosted by The Community Coalition for Social Justice and OLLI at WVU.
Free Family-friendly Program - All Are Welcome
T'ai Chi classes
Hosted by OLLI at WVU and The Shack Neighborhood House
Introduction: Saturdays, January 11 - June 28, 11:00-11:50 AM
Intermediate: Saturdays, January 11 - June 28, 10:00-10:50 AM
Register at https://olliatwvu.wufoo.com/forms/olli-tai-chi-202425/