Support OLLI

Lifelong learners value education - for themselves and others. Daily, we see the educational and social impact OLLI has on our members.

In order to sustain our quality programming, your financial support is needed. Although OLLI is tremendously fortunate to have a wealth of passionate, qualified members, friends and others willing to volunteer their time and expertise, we still have many annual operating expenses necessary to offer such a program. These include classroom and office rental and maintenance; utilities, technology and internet access; staff compensation; marketing and community outreach; and course materials.

Financial support from WVU and earnings from the Osher Endowment cover about 50% of these expenses. Our current membership fees cover 25%. Therefore, the remaining 25% must be raised through donations, gifts, and grants.

Your consideration of a tax-deductible gift to OLLI at WVU today or in the future will benefit the program and help secure your OLLI legacy. Make a secure online donation by visiting theĀ OLLI Giving Page

Every gift has an impact.

OLLI at WVU is exempt from federal income taxes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It is also exempt from state taxes. All contributions to OLLI at WVU are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.