ASPPH Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Task Force releases 'Conceptual Framing' summary

Asst. Professor Henderson, SoTL Task Force team member and contributing author

For the past few years, Heather Henderson, EdD, has been involved with a nine-member team that has been developing the ASPPH white paper on a public health model for the scholarship of teaching and learning.

The team recently released a summary of their publication submission to the journal Frontiers in Public Health: Realizing Promising Educational Practices in Academic Public Health: A Model for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Takeaways from a Manuscript by the Conceptual Framing Working Group of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Task Force (SoTL).  

Launched in 2018, the SoTL Task Force, under the jurisdiction of the ASPPH Education Advisory Committee, established four working groups. Learn more about their ongoing efforts. 

Download the takeaway summary.