Health Research Center Co-director Presents at WV Health Impact Assessment Meeting

HRC Co-Director, Thomas K. Bias, PhD, presented at a September Health Impact Assessment (HIA) meeting held in Charleston. The purpose of the meeting was to introduce organizations and communities to the concept of HIA, develop steps to move HIA forward in WV, and identify policies, issues and topics for HIA. Dr. Bias presented the rapid HIA that was conducted by HRC faculty and staff of Fairmont's Bicycle and Pedestrian Connectivity Plan in the Spring of 2014. This was the first HIA conducted in WV according to

The meeting was supported by the West Virginians for Affordable Health Care, Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation, West Virginia Bureau for Public Health, WVU School of Public Health, WV Center on Budget and Policy, and the James "Tiger" Morton Catastrophic Illness Commission.

More information aboout the HRC's Spring, 2014 HIA can be found here: