WVU Energy Institute to host panel "The Other Greenhouse Gas and Why It Matters to West Virginia"

West Virginia is the nation’s fourth largest energy producer and natural gas is one of its chief exports. Methane is both the main component of natural gas as well as a potent greenhouse gas that is over 80 times more powerful than carbon dioxide in the near-term. Additionally, more than 50 percent of West Virginians live within one mile of an active well site, making them potentially subject to the harmful toxic and hazardous air pollutants that wells produce.

Methane leakage presents a threat to our economy and our health, but the methane mitigation industry is here to help. Efforts to cut methane pollution and waste will increase our domestic energy supply and protect our environment and health. Cutting the methane emissions that occur throughout the oil and gas supply chain also creates West Virginia jobs. The methane mitigation industry already exists in West Virginia, and it’s poised to grow with new federal requirements to end methane waste and pollution.

West Virginia can continue its tradition of being a leader in energy production by increasing the deployment of methane mitigation technology which will create good-paying jobs while cutting the waste of a precious West Virginia resource. On March 23, a panel of industry experts, moderated by Reed College of Media students, will discuss the importance of technologies and policies to detect and mitigate methane leaks. As West Virginia moves to decarbonize its energy sector, we can work together to protect public health and capitalize on the economic opportunities that methane mitigation presents.

  • Date and Time: March 23, 4:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m.
  • Location: Forum Room in the Media Innovation Center, 4th Floor of Evansdale Crossing 
  • Registration: RSVP by visiting the form.

Hosted by the WVU Energy Institute
Moderated by students from the WVU Reed College of Media
Sponsored by the Environmental Defense Fund

Contact: Tracy.Novak@mail.wvu.edu

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