WVU HRC Faculty and Staff Partner with UHC for Community Health Needs Assessment

The Affordable Care Act of 2010 requires that every non-profit hospital conduct a Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) and adopt an implementation strategy every three years. WVU School of Public Health, Health Research Center (WVU HRC) faculty and staff partnered with United Hospital Center (UHC) and WVU Medicine to facilitate a community-based process for collecting input about health challenges facing Harrison and Doddridge Counties. This process includes a community-wide survey of over 700 Harrison and Doddridge County residents, as well as a community event held at UHC to engage multi-sector leadership about potential organizations, programs, and services to address community health needs.

June 28, 2016  Round Table Media Coverage:



General Coverage:


WVU HRC faculty and staff are also partnering with St. Joseph’s Hospital and Ruby Memorial on their CHNAs.