Faculty Incentive Taxes

The SPH allows for faculty to participate in the SPH grant/external funding incentive program.  As incentives are calculated, certain amounts referred to as “taxes” are withheld during the process.  Two types of taxes are calculated: Chair and Dean.  The chair taxes are returned via a
lump sum budget transfer to each department to be distributed as determined by the Department Chair.  The Dean taxes remain in central funds.

Any uses of these funds must comply with all WVU Purchasing Policies and Procedures and follow the SPH Standard Operating Guidelines.  The following uses are suggested:

  • Faculty travel to support SPH outreach efforts
  • Professional development for support staff
  • Hiring of Instructors and other personnel needed for efficient operation of the department
  • Start-up packages for new faculty

Incentive taxes are resources that are available to departments for strategic needs.  It is expected that these incentive taxes will be used for expenditures above and beyond resources planned for in the annual budget process.


Last reviewed/revised: 04/2019

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