Purchasing Hierachy
All purchases must fit within the budget of the current fiscal year or defined research project. Any exceptions regarding state funding may only be approved by the Dean or his/her designee. Any exceptions regarding grant or contract funding must be approved by the Principal Investigator (PI) The information below defines the amounts of purchases and prior approval required that is typically purchased by a departmental or center representative.
- $1 - $200: Budgeted Item* or Principal Investigator (PI)
- $201 - $1,000: **Department Chair/Center Director
- $1,001 - $5,000: Department Chair/Center Director, plus Expert Businesses Office Strategic Business Advisors (SBA) or PI
- $5,001 & up: Department Chair/Center Director, plus Senior Associate Dean for Administration, plus SBA or PI
The PI of any sponsored project is to be aware of any purchase from his/her externally funded project. Therefore, the PI must give prior approval in accordance with the defined purchasing hierarchy and/or specific externally funded agency requirements.
Departmental/Center Representatives are the individuals possessing the credit cards or knowledge of how to spend the resources. In defined departments, these are the typically administrative assistants/associates and/or program assistants. In centers, these are the staff and/or faculty in positions tasked with making purchases in accordance with center organization.
Please visit the WVU Procurement, Contracting & Payment Services (PCPS) website for the Purchasing and Payment Guidelines, which should be used to determine when to use a PCard versus Mountaineer Marketplace for buying and paying for goods and services.
*Budgeted items are typically general office supplies
**Department Chair/Center Director/Fund Owner approval pertains to state funding, while PI approval is necessary for grant or contract (POETA) funding
Below is a guideline directly from the Purchasing and Payment Guidelines that shows which method of payment is preferred. The actual guideline from payment services has this information in table format.
Purchase that can be made using Mountaineer Marketplace Non-Catalog or E-Form are:
- Artists, entertainers, speakers (note: Agreement must be approved by Procurement in advance.)
- Banking services
- Conference calling, video conferencing
- Construction*
- Graphic design services
- Insurance and Benefits
- Legal fees
- Live animals
- Maintenance agreements (note: Agreement must be approved by Procurement in advance.)
- Payments to other WVU/WVURC departments (facilities, etc.)
- Repair and Alterations
- Service Agreements (note: Agreement must be approved by Procurement in advance.)
- Stipends
- Vehicle purchase
Purchase that can be made using Mountaineer Marketplace Catalog are:
Office Supplies (paper, toner, office products and break‐room supplies)
Purchases that can be made using PCard are:
- Advertising (note: if an agreement is required, it mus be approved by Procurement in advance. Ads over $5,000 require approval from PCardAdministration@mail.wvu.edu)
- Association Dues/Membership Fees
- Hospitality (note: this includes coffee/water services.)
- Postage
- Shipping (UPS, FDX, USPS)
- Uniforms
Purchase that can be made using Mountaineer Marketplace Non-Catalog or E-Form as well as Mountaineer Marketplace catalog are:
- Agriculture/farm equipment and supplies
- Athletic equipment/supplies
- Audio visual equipment
- Business cards and stationary
- Capitalized equipment (equipment over $5K)
- Carpet
- Computer supplies and equipment
- Dental supplies and equipment
- Electrical, HVAC, plumbing, etc.
- Furniture
- Hazardous and/or radioactive materials
- Information Technology (IT) hardware
- Lab supplies and equipment
- Maintenance, repair, and operating (MRO) supplies
- Medical supplies and equipment
- Printing
Purchase that can be made using Mountaineer Marketplace Non-Catalog or E-Form as well as PCard are:
- Books and periodicals
- Emergency/Pressing need order/Time sensitive research**
- Food and beverage for resale (items purchased by dining services)
- Fuel (note: PCard should be used unless bulk ordering is required and vendor will not accept the PCard.)
- Lease payments
- Payments to other state agencies
- Small purchases to local retailers (note: Does not include office supplies, computer supplies/equipment, or furniture.)
- Utilities (natural gas, electric, water, steam, cable, trash, and telecom) (note: Cable, telecom, internet should be paid via PCard. Gas, electric, water, and steam should be paid using the Utilities form.)
- Vehicle maintenance
Purchase that can be made using Mountaineer Marketplace Non-Catalog or E-Form, Mountaineer Marketplace Catalog, or PCard are:
- Janitorial supplies and equipment
- Resale merchandise
- Software/software licenses (note: Must follow ITS procedure.)
- Subscriptions, periodicals, and publications (note: PCard may be used up to $5,000.)
Purchase that can be made using MyExpenses are:
- Employee Reimbursement (non-travel)
- Travel advances
Purchases that can be made using PCard or MyExpenses are:
- Travel expenses (air, hotel, rental car, misc. expenses)*** (note: All travel should be paid via PCard except meals and fuel for personal vehicles. This includes bus charters.)
Miscellaneous expenses not using any of the above methods of payment are:
- Relocation services (note: Expenses should be arranged and paid through the contracted provided. Contact Talent Strategy for information.)
* Refer to WVU-PS-16 for specific guidelines
Last reviewed/revised: 02/2022