Angels to roam High Street on Thursday
Angels in the form of students from the West Virginia University School of Public Health will take to High Street from 10 p.m. to midnight on Thursday as part of the Angels on High Street event, which is sponsored by the School’s Alcohol Education Project.
The purpose of the event is to encourage students to educate other students about the responsibilities of safe and responsible drinking behavior for those who are of age. Blood alcohol strips that give an approximation of one’s blood alcohol level will be distributed along with coasters that check for the presence of drugs, such as ketamine and GHB.
“We have a responsibility to educate our students about alcohol, the dangers if binge drinking, safety, and reinforcing the concept of not driving while drinking and not riding with someone who is drinking,” Ruth Kershner, Ed.D., interim assistant dean and alcohol educator for the School of Public Health, said.
In 2010, 87 people in West Virginia died in accidents in which alcohol was a mitigating factor, according to the Century Council, a national, not-for-profit organization funded by distillers dedicated to fight drunk driving and underage drinking. Of those 87, six people were under the age of 21.
The purpose of the event is to encourage students to educate other students about the responsibilities of safe and responsible drinking behavior for those who are of age. Blood alcohol strips that give an approximation of one’s blood alcohol level will be distributed along with coasters that check for the presence of drugs, such as ketamine and GHB.
“We have a responsibility to educate our students about alcohol, the dangers if binge drinking, safety, and reinforcing the concept of not driving while drinking and not riding with someone who is drinking,” Ruth Kershner, Ed.D., interim assistant dean and alcohol educator for the School of Public Health, said.
In 2010, 87 people in West Virginia died in accidents in which alcohol was a mitigating factor, according to the Century Council, a national, not-for-profit organization funded by distillers dedicated to fight drunk driving and underage drinking. Of those 87, six people were under the age of 21.